Circus Browns Not a Side Show
TTYL! LMAO! BRB! WWJD? WTF?! WTFWJD?LLRR! Local Live Rock and Roll. Every Friday on KRCL 90.9FM produced by the tragically glamorous and transiently agoraphobic sex god, Connery, and hosted by vegan activist and polyamorous pit master spinning the sweet wax when the set ain't live, the spy who loved me- Circus Brown.

Twice a year KRCL changes from their regular programing to Radiothon mode and asks listeners to donate and support commercial free radio.  I try and have bands on every week, even if it's Radiothon time.  This year for Fall Radiothon The Clear Coats stop by to play some sweet tunes.  Remember kids the greatest trick Commercial radio stations ever pulled was convincing the public that commercials = good radio.

Direct download: The_Clear_Coats.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:52pm MST